Tanglewood Crossroads – Acoustic Guitar


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SKU: TWCR-O Category:

The Crossroads series pays homage to the style and sound of classic instruments from 1930’s America. Some of what are now regarded as the finest and most influential musicians in the world created a rhythmic sound during those years, a sound we now think of as the blues.

The guitars used to play this music weren’t fancy, or ornately decorated or adorned with expensive lacquers, they were straightforward and functional, but in a lot of cases these instruments were still quite precisely engineered for the day. With a really significant cost to the musician in those days it meant that guitars of this era had to play well and last a long time, often to be passed on through family generations.

To create an instrument that evokes these traditional values, Tanglewood have created the Crossroads series. The instruments are affordable, comfortable to play and have a sound that any musician could appreciate.

And they look great too. The colour is inspired by the timber shading of old whiskey barrels, a finish that’s unique to the Crossroads series.


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